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Best U.S. Video
"Any Given Night"
North Campus High School, San Pablo, CA

"A real story unfolds in "Any Given Night," a powerful documentary about homelessness told in a strong personal voice. It is clear that the students who produced this film made real contact with their characters, gained their trust, and gave them the respect they deserve."
- Larry Engel, Engel Brothers Media, Inc.

Submission Categories:

Spotlight Awards

"Any Given Night"
North Campus High School
San Pablo, CA

Local Hero
"Our Little Giant Dares to Dream"
Theodore Roosevelt School
Weehawken, NJ

"Student Guide to American Culture"
Algonquin Middle School
Des Plaines, IL

"EAST: Environmental and
Spacial Technology"
Maui High School
Kahului, Maui

TV Commercials
"World Peace"
Arthur Dixon School
Chicago, IL

News Commentary
"ID or not ID? That is the Question"
Algonquin Middle School
Des Plaines, IL

Science & Technology
"Forest Biodiversity"
Warren County High School
Front Royal, VA

"Put Gratitude in Your Attitude"
Marcus Garvey School
Chicago, IL

  Technical Awards

King Middle School
Portland, ME

Production Design
"Ellis Island"
Gardiner Area High School
Gardiner, ME

Special Effects
"Reading: Destination Unlimited"
Gordon Parks Academy
East Orange, NJ

"Any Given Night"
North Campus High School
San Pablo, CA

"Black Lipstick"
Raul Quintanilla Sr. Middle School
Dallas, TX

"Our Little Giant Dares to Dream"
Theodore Roosevelt School
Weehawken, NJ

Click here to see the Winner's Weekend Awards Night

Please visit our archives page for a list of previous winners.

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