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Click on one of the letters below or scroll down to view all of the terms.


Ambient Sound: When everyone
is quiet on location but noise still exists, e.g., barking dogs, airplanes, radios, fluorescent lights.

Angle: Camcorder placement in relation to subject in terms of height; e.g., high, eye-level. low.

Audio Dubbing: Adding voices, music or other sounds to videotape.



Backlight: The light off camera used to separate a subject from
the background.

Biography: Non-fiction story
about a person, usually told
as 3rd-person narrative.

Bounce Light: Soft light that gets to the subject indirectly; e.g., off walls, ceilings or reflecting devices.

Bounce Sound: Sound heard
as it reflects off various objects, e.g., echo



Chronology: The order an event takes place according to either
time and/or date.

Close-Up: A "tight" shot that nearly fills the frame with the subject.

Continuity: Having the same placement of props, costumes
and people from one videotaping session to another. Also, the smooth flow of real time (even
if shot on different days).

Credits: The list of cast and crew, groups and all other people that helped make the video tape possible.


Direct Sound: Sound directly
from the subject to microphone.

Documentary: Telling of a true story or event that teaches or informs audience about subject -
can be current or historical.

Dubbing: Making a copy of
your original videotape.



Editing: Assembling videotape shots to tell a story.

Editorial: Brief statement of opinion on a specific subject or issue.



Fine Cut: Edited videotape that
has right sequence of shots and sounds. Last stage of editing
before adding music and effects.

Flashback: Past events or moments inserted into
a current scene.

Floating: Camcorder moves
with the subject.

Frame: The border of the shot.


Key Lighting: The main light
used to light a scene.


Logging: Reviewing all the video-tape, keeping track of counter numbers, the type of shot, description of sound and picture - an important part of editing.


Medium Shot: A basic shot which includes both the subject and the surroundings.


Narrator: A person usually not
part of the story who tells you
things about the story. Narration
can be added in editing.

Natural Light: Any lighting that exists on location. Either sunlight
or electric.

News: Factual reporting based
on current events - answers the questions who, what, when,
where, why, and how.

New Vision: Represents a new
way of looking at social issues which impact the behavior and/or consciousness of a viewer.


Pan: A slow move of the camcorder from left to right or right to left.

Paper Cut: A list of shots and sounds made on paper to help the editor.

Picture Lock: After the fine cut, any last minute changes are made here before adding music, narration or effects.

Point of View: A shot seem from
a character's location; also, the attitude of the story-teller about
the subject.

Pre-Production: All the research, planning and creative work done before actual taping.

Props: (Short for properties) Items that characters will be using in the video, i.e., costumes, umbrellas, tables, chairs.

Public Service Announcement (PSA): Short video, like a commercial, aimed at raising
public awareness of an issue;
aims to persuade changes in behavior of audience.


Rough Cut: First edit of original videotape which puts the shots in order but does not try to be perfect.


Selects: Favorite shots used
to make up rough edit.

Shoot: The actual, entire videotaping of your story.

Shot List: List of what you
want to videotape.

Shot: Single frame of your story.

Side Light: Dramatic light that creates heavy shadows and illuminates subject from the side.

Snap Zoom: Very fast zoom that blurs the scene as you zoom-in or zoom-out.

SoftLight: A light that does not create a lot of shadows.

Storyboard: Cartoon drawings
and description of the video story which show the director what he may want videotaped.

Swish Pan: Fast pan that blurs
the move.


Takes: All shots you videotape
to get it "right."

Tilt: Up or down movement
of the camcorder.

Tracking Shot: Camera person moves while your subject moves.

Videography: Use of camcorder and script to tell story.


Wide Shot: Shows subject from a distance and tells the viewer a lot about the subject's surroundings.

Zoom: Changes emphasis on
your subject by getting close up
or far away from your subject,
by adjusting the lens, not
moving the camera.

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