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Newspaper clipping Mother Nature gets a helping hand for Earth Day

The Sentinel

Filmmakers taste the
big time in Big Apple

  Nicola Irwin, May 2, 2006

Student filmmakers are jetting
off to New York after winning the European heat of an international movie competition.

Ed News

Panasonic Honors Children
as Winners of 16th Annual

“Kid Witness News”
New Vision Awards
Video Contest


Children From More Than 200 Public Schools Worldwide Participated In Video Education Program To Show Us “The World Through Their Eyes”

SECAUCUS, NJ (May 8, 2006)

Panasonic Corporation of North America honored children this evening as winners in their 16th annual Kid Witness Newsâ (KWN) New Vision Awards ceremony held at Panasonic’s North American headquarters in Secaucus, New Jersey. The children, representing 10 schools from the United States and one from the United Kingdom, were selected by an independent panel of professional film makers for videos they created as part of Panasonic’s Kid Witness News video education program this year.

Currently participants from more than 200 schools throughout the United States as well as schools
in 17 countries take part in this unique program. Overall the program now reaches and enriches the school experience for more than 7,000 children worldwide each year.


Enid News

Number 1 in the World


May 18, 2006

A group of Sheridan Junior High School students have been named best in the world by a major electronics company.

The students entered Panasonic's "Kid Witness News" contest and promptly won the 2006 New Vision Awards U.S. Best Video of the Year award. The students researched, wrote and produced the "Heart Mountain -- The Forgotten Years" documentary on the Wyoming internment of Japanese soldiers during World War II.

Gambit Weekly

Local Briefs
McMain Magnet School

  May 16, 2006

in New Orleans was one of 11 public high schools honored by Panasonic Corporation of North America in the 16th annual "Kid Witness News" competition. McMain joined more than 480 schools worldwide to participate in the contest, and its student-made video on the range of emotions experienced by children in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina captured first place in the writing category. Winners were selected by an independent panel of professional filmmakers and educators.
Enid News

Monroe 6th-graders win category
in Pansasonic Kid Witness News awards contest


Tippi Rasp Staff Writer,
May 24, 2006

Monroe students
have done it again.

About 45 Monroe Elementary School sixth- graders in the classes of Steve Peck and Lori Painter beat out submissions from a number of larger schools with older students to win one of the six categories in this year’s Panasonic Kid Witness News New Vision Awards Contest.


Enid News

Bright lights: Secaucus Middle School student film about local environmentalist wins award


Mark Bonamo, May 14, 2006

After the lights went down at the Kids Witness News 2006 New Vision Awards held May 8 at Panasonic North American headquarters along Meadowlands Parkway, one cheer rose louder than all the others coming from the assembled crowd.

It was from the students, teachers and parents from Secaucus Middle School, who had come from down the block to see their efforts publicly acknowledged and honored.

The school won the award for the best Local Hero video, which featured the work of Bill Sheehan, the head of the Hackensack Riverkeeper organization, created to promote and protect its namesake river. Sheehan is also a Secaucus resident.

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