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Currently, there are approximately 76 public schools that participate in the Kid Witness News program throughout the United States. If you are interested in forming a KWN team at your school, the school principal or superintendent of the schools district Board of Education must send an official letter of interest with the following:

1. background information about the school. 2. State your school's interest in the program. 3. How the program would be utilized in your school. 4. Indicate the teacher who would be assigned the designated coordinator. 5. Provide schools website address if applicable

Only students in grades 4 - 12, (age 18 and under) are eligible for participation. We cannot guarantee the number of openings in a given year.

Please mail your letter of interest to:
Terri Seeney
Kid Witness News Program Administrator
Panasonic Corporation of North America
One Panasonic Way, 3G-7
Secaucus, NJ 07094

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