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For six Saturdays throughout the school year, KWN students and their teachers
from schools in the New York and New Jersey Metropolitan area participate in a Columbia University video workshop in New York City. The workshops are taught by approximately 20 Columbia University graduate film student mentors from
the School of the Arts Film Division.

In addition to running the Saturday workshops, the mentors also review and critique every KWN video that is submitted by schools across the U.S. for the annual "New Vision" awards contest.

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about Columbia University

While attending the video workshops, the KWN students feel as if they're taking college courses, as they sit in lecture halls, and break into groups
to attend smaller classes. They are given instruction on subjects ranging
from video editing, to film theory, storyboarding and basic camera
techniques. They are also given the opportunity to create a short subject
video utilizing their new-found skills and knowledge. At the end of the day, students screen each others' videos and offer commentary as a way of improving their own skills.

In order to accommodate the schools that cannot attend the video
workshop, Panasonic has created a video training tape that covers
various aspects of the workshop, as well as other techniques,
from equipment installation to editing your final production.

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