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Best International Film 2005 EXPO, Aichi, Japan

Congratulations to
Marcus Garvey School
for their film production

“Give Peas A Chance”

Winner in the Communications category


This films subject matter was exceptionally clever and well constructed. The story began with children getting their meals in the cafeteria line, and going through the process of learning about “peas” and “Nigeria” from the woman that served them. It was extremely impressive as the students displayed empathy towards this woman and their willingness and eagerness to learn about her background. The effect of communication and being open to different people, cultures and experiences was wonderfully conveyed in this film. It proved that something as simple as getting a meal could be a rewarding educational experience. What was most remarkable about this effort, however, was the maturity and intelligence it conveyed. We were taken on an emotional and educational journey that was unexpected and rewarding.
                                                                                            U.S. International judging panel

Marcus Garvey School, Chicago, IL
Marcus Garvey School Team

                                                            Click here for more information about the 2005 EXPO contest

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